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Welcome to The Next Newsroom Conference
April 3 and 4 at Duke University in Durham, N.C.
What is The Next Newsroom Project?
If you could build the ideal newsroom from scratch, what would it look like? We're trying to help The Chronicle, the Duke University student newspaper, find an answer. Our project is being funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as part of the News Challenge Grant program.
Before we can build the Next Newsroom, we've been trying to address many other questions about a student newspaper’s role in its community. How must the newspaper’s mission evolve as technology and media consumption change, and how must its facilities evolve with it? What sort of workspace best attracts and prepares the journalists of tomorrow? How might print, broadcast and online media be integrated? How can such a newsroom encourage the community to engage in citizen journalism? How can a media center shape campus life? How important is the newsroom’s size and location in the digital age?
Our work and our community can be found on our Next Newsroom project site.
As we prepare to write a proposal to create the Next Newsroom, we are gathering folks for a two-day conference at Duke to discuss a draft of our proposal, spark new ideas, and connect with other people who are thinking about the newsroom of the future.
You can register for the conference here.
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Event Details
Day 1
Thursday, April 3 - Griffith Theater, 2nd floor of Bryan Student Center on Duke University's West Campus. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. A keynote and panel discussion with speakers working in some of the most cutting edge newsrooms. A cocktail reception will follow.
Unofficial Dinner Gathering: Tyler's Taproom. We've designated Tyler's, a local brewpub, as an unofficial gathering spot. Those who wish to join us can meet in the backroom, known as the Speakeasy. Tyler's is a 10 minute drive from the Washington Duke Inn. Address is: 324 Blackwell St., Suite 400, Durham, in the American Tobacco Complex next the Durham Bulls' Stadium.
Keynote Speaker: Saf Fahim
Saf Fahim, AIA, is the design principal of Archronica Architects. Fahim has designed some of the world's most advanced newsrooms in recent years. He helped design the IFRA Newsplex "newsroom of the future" at the University of South Carolina. And more recently, he worked on a new multi-media newsroom for Eleftheros Tipos, a leading paper in Athens, Greece. His involvement in advocating solutions for the media and journalism fields includes the design and development, under the auspices of the Associated Press, of the "News Organization for the 21st Century." This prototype work environment has received international attention in the media field and design press.
Randy Covington: New Roles in the New Newsroom

Randy Covington, is on the faculty of the University of South Carolina School of Journalism and director of the IFRA Newsplex, a newsroom of the future located in Columbia that is jointly operated by the University and IFRA, an international press consortium. For IFRA, Covington serves as a professional trainer and consultant, working with news organizations such as the Financial Times in London, Impresa in Portugal, Casa Editorial El Tiempo in Bogota and Radio Free Europe in Prague. While newspapers around the world are embracing new media, too often they are reluctant to embrace new ways of working. This session will look at issues of newsroom organization and integration from the perspective of IFRA, an international press consortium. It will include an insider's look at the newsroom reorganization project at London's Daily Telegraph, which some regard as an industry model for newsroom integration.
Newsroom of the Future Panel
Robertson Barrett, Senior Vice President, Interactive and General Manager of latimes.com. Barrett has been a new media executive for more than a decade. In his latest role at the Los Angeles Times, he's been helping to lead a dramatic overhaul of the paper's online and multimedia efforts, work that is expected to accelerate with the appointment of new Executive Editor Russ Stanton. Barrett graduated from Duke University in 1988.
Sharon Behl Brooks, Associate Professor of Communication Arts and English at Hastings College, collaborates with students and faculty to operate a SuperDesk system of cross-platform journalism. Beginning in the mid-1980s she helped design a converged curriculum and the Gray Center, a multi-platform facility within a liberal arts college. The program engages students in research, production and distribution of messages and encourages innovation. She is a former television news director and graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Mass Communication Centre at the University of Leicester, Great Britain.
Christian Oliver, INNOVATION Media Consulting Group. Oliver specializes in the convergence of media and technology. With more than 11 years of experience in New Media, he is one of the pioneers in online newspapers in Latin American, leading the development of eluniversal.com in Venezula since 1995. He also has extensive experience in strategic planning, private equity and online marketing. Currently based in Atlanta, GA, in the United States, he tracks the latest developments in online media, personal technology, mobile applications as well as the U.S. Hispanic market.
Rusty Coats, director, Strategic Initiatives, Interactive Media for Media General, Inc. Before his latest promotion, Coats served as general manager of TBO.com/Tampa Bay Online, the focal point of convergence efforts for The Tampa Tribune and WFLA-News Channel 8. The three groups are located together in the Tampa News Center, one of the world's most converged newsrooms. The three groups share tips, leads, information and background knowledge in the world's first facility built for multimedia production.
Moderator: Keith Hanadel, broadcast design director at HLW, a New York-based architecture and design firm. Keith Hanadel is the Broadcast Design Director at HLW International in New York. Educated at the Cooper Union School of Architecture in New York, Keith’s interest in the effect of workflow on the development of the architectural spatial program has led him to concentrate for the last 15 years on the design of broadcast and media facilities. In addition to architecture he has in the past worked in a television production and post-production company providing him with a finely grained view of the problems of content production and delivery. Keith has designed and managed projects for all of the major networks as well as many smaller media content firms.
Day 2
Friday, April 4 - Washington Duke Inn and Golf Club. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Come prepared to participate. Attendees will create and facilitate break-out sessions throughout the day designed to promote interaction and discussion around some of the big questions we've been asking as part of our project: How must the newspaper's mission evolve as technology and media consumption change, and how must its facilities evolve with it? What sort of workspace best attracts and prepares the journalists of tomorrow? How might print, broadcast, and online media be integrated? How can such a newsroom encourage the community to engage in citizen journalism? How can a newsroom shape campus life? How important is the newsroom's size and location in the digital age? Attendees who register in advance will help us create the topics for some of the sessions in advance.
Post conference dinner at Parizade. 6 p.m. (optional)
12:00-12:30 p.m.
12:30-12:45 p.m.
Welcoming Remarks, Chris O'Brien
12:45-1:00 p.m.
Gary Kebbel, Knight Foundation
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Keynote: Saf Fahim w/ Q&A
2:30-3:15 p.m. |
Randy Covington: New Roles in the New Newsroom |
3:15-5:00 p.m.
Newsroom of the Future Panel
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Reception outside auditorium
8:00-8:30 a.m. |
Registration, breakfast, coffee |
8:30-9:15 |
Introductions |
9:15-10:20 |
Session 1 |
10:20-10:35 |
Report Back |
10:35-11:40 |
Session 2 |
11:40-12:00 |
Report Back |
12:00-1:30 p.m. |
Lunch |
1:30-2:20 |
Session 3 |
2:20-2:35 |
Report Back |
2:35-3:25 |
Session 4 |
3:25-3:40 |
Report Back |
3:40-4:40 |
Storytelling Exercise |
4:40-5:00 |
Wrap up |
Session 1
1. What are the keys to successfully operating a converged newsroom, especially for student media?
Facilitators: Brett Erickson, Kathy Stofer, Sharon Brooks
2. How can design of space promote innovation in the newsroom?
Facilitator: John Keefe
3. What skills will be needed by the ideal "next" journalist in the "next" newsroom ?
Facilitator: Sasha Norkin
4. What is the role of social networking in the newsroom?
Facilitator: Kara Andrade
Session 2
5. What does New Media mean for the business model?
Facilitator: Kath Sullivan
6. How can the newsroom management structure be reinvented?
Facilitator: Bryan Murley
7. What role should student media play—community hub, facilitator, aggregator -- as all students become media creators?
Facilitator: Sanjay Bhatt
8. How can we break down the walls that separate print and broadcast in journalism schools?
Facilitator: Laurie Fruth
Session 3
9. What role can virtual worlds play in the Next Newsroom?
Facilitator: Rob Schirman/Kara Andrade
10. What productivity tools can transform the newsroom?
Facilitator: Christian Oliver
11. How much does location of the newsroom, proximity to community, and real estate still matter?
John Gering
12. How can we harness the power of crowds in the newsroom?
Facilitator: John Keefe
Session 4
13. How can student media create an incubator for new ideas?
Facilitators: Rich Rubin,
14. How can we overcome cultural resistance and reinvent the newsroom of today?
Facilitator: John North
15. How should student media and universities adjust their values and and maintain civic discussion in era when digital media let everyone break “the rules?”
Brett Erickson, Kathy Stofer, Sharon Brooks
16. How can student media create the capacity for their staffs to experiment and innovate even as they struggle to balance work and academics?
Kath Sullivan
Proposed Sessions
Go here to propose a session for Day 2 of the conference.
Important Information
What We Need
We need the following: Digital Audio Recorders, Cameras, Video Cameras
Important - Make sure any equipment you bring is clearly labeled with your name and email address!!!!
Who Will Bring What
Greg Linch - photo, audio, video. To livestream video using my video camera, I would need to borrow a Mac or another computer with a 6-pin Firewire connection.
Leonard Witt -- I am not a great live blogger; however, for those of you who are, I strongly recommend that you take a look at Cover It Live. My favorite example of it is the guy who live blogged the birth of his daughter.
I have a small video camera, audio recorder and still p&s camera. - bryan murley
Kara Andrade will bring a decent tripod, a wireless mic, and two-year old, non-HD video camera and Nikon D70 still camera. She also has a stand-alone Mac webcam for Ustreaming.
Chris O'Brien, project manager, The Next Newsroom Project
Kathleen Sullivan, alumni coordinator, The Next Newsroom Project
Jonathan Angier, general manager, The Chronicle
Gary Kebbel, Knight Foundation journalism program officer and coordinator of the News Challenge grants.
The Chronicle, the independent, student-run newspaper of Duke Univeristy
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The following folks have registered to attend the conference. Please add your name and email (you at email.com)
- Chris O'Brien, Next Newsroom project manager, cobrien@mercurynews.com
- Kathleen Sullivan, Next Newsroom alumni coordinator, kathsullivan@mindspring.com
- Gary Kebbel, Knight Foundation, kebbel@knightfoundation.org
- Bryan Murley, Center for Innovation in College Media, scmurley@gmail.com
- David Ingram, co-chair of the Duke Student Publishing Company/Charlotte Observer, dingram@charlotteobserver.com
- David Graham, executive editor of The Chronicle, dag20@duke.edu
- Ryan Thornberg, asistant professor, University of North Carolina, ryan.thornburg@unc.edu
- Elizabeth Morgan, program manger, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, emorgan@jackkentcookefoundation.org
- Gina Falcone-Rupp, vice president and executive editor, McClatchy Interactive, gfalcone-rupp@mcclatchyinteractive.com
- Rusty Coats, director of strategic initiatives, interactive media division, Media General Interactive, rcoats@mediageneral.com
- Beth Lawton, Newspaper Association of America, beth.lawton@naa.org
- Chris Carroll, Vanderbilt Student Communications, chris.carroll@vanderbilt.edu
- Maurreen Skowran, The News & Observer, maurreenskowran@yahoo.com
- Bill Densmore, University of Massachusetts/Media Giraffe, densmore@journ.umass.edu
- Jane Pope, University of Tennessee, jpope@utk.ed
- Blake White, Ascent Media Consulting Services, bwhite@ascentmedia.com
- Joe Young, Computer Tree, jyoung@computertree.com
- Laurie Fruth, laurel.fruth@unlv.edu
- Eric Frederick, The News & Observer, eric.frederick@newsobserver.com
- Lee Warnick, BYU-Idaho, warnickl@byui.edu
- John Thompson, BYU-Idaho, thompsonj@byui.edu
- Kevin Schwartz, The Daily Tar Heel, kschwartz@unc.edu
- Brian Crews, student media advisor, Duke University, bcrews@duke.edu
- Paul Wright, University of Alabama, pwright@sa.ua.edu
- Lynne Nennstiel, University of Tennessee, lynnec@utk.edu
- Ken Rogerson, Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University, rogerson@duke.edu
- Richard Lucic, Information Science + Information, lucic@cs.duke.edu
- Fiona Spruill, The New York Times
- Christian Oliver, INNOVATIONS in Media, COLIV77@YAHOO.COM
- Wayne Sutton, Blog Together, waynesutton@gmail.com
- Anton Zuiker, Blog Together, zuiker@gmail.com
- Richard Rubin, board member of the Duke Student Publishing Company, rrubin2@gmail.com
- Chelsea Allison, in-coming editor of The Chronicle, rachelseallison@gmail.com
- Linda Negro, Evansville Courier & Press, NegroL@courierpress.com
- Matt Mansfield, San Jose Mercury News and vice president Society of News Design, mattmansfield@gmail.com
- Maureen Skowran, The News & Observer, maurreenskowran@yahoo.com
- Jonathan Angier, The Chronicle at Duke University, jangier@duke.edu
- Keith Hanadel, HLW International, khanadel@hlw.com
- Greg Linch, editor, The Miami Hurricane, greglinch@gmail.com
- Toby Coleman, Duke University Student Publishing Company, trcoleman77@hotmail.com
- Karen Hauptman, Duke University Student Publishing Company, karen.hauptman@gmail.com
- Larry Moneta, vice president for Student Affairs, Duke University , lmoneta@duke.edu
- John Gering, HLW International, jgering@hlw.com
- Sanjay Bhatt, The Seattle Times, sbhatt@seattletimes.com
- Ming Liu, The Chronicle, ml38@duke.edu
- Dan Barkin, community manager, The News & Observer, dbarkin@newsobserver.com
- Lisa Sorg, editor, The Independent weekly, lsorg@indyweek.com
- Kevin Koehler, Old Gold & Black, Wake Forest University, kevin -at- oldgoldandblack.com
- Jisha Desai, Knoxville News Sentinel, desaij@knews.com
- Tom Chester, Knoxville News Sentinel, chester@knews.com
- John North, Knoxville News Sentinel, northj@knews.com
- Sasha Norkin, Boston University College of Communication, sashanorkin@gmail.com
- Andy Bechtel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Journalism, abechtel@email.unc.edu
- John Keefe, WNYC New York Public Radio, john.keefe@gmail.com
- In Ho Lee, Stanford Daily News, inholee@stanford.edu
- Wally Bowen, Mountain Area Information Network, wallyb@main.nc.us
- Shelley Stonecipher, DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy, Duke University, shelley.stonecipher@duke.edu
- Andrew Tutt, Duke University, Duiki.com, tutt.andrew@gmail.com
- Meredith Shiner, The Chronicle, Duke University, meredith.shiner@duke.edu
- Sean Maroney, The Chronicle, Duke University, sean.w.moroney@gmail.com
- Stephen Kimber, University of King's College, Nova Scotia, stephen.kimber@ukings.ns.ca
- Robert Bliwise, Duke Magazince, robert.bliwise@daa.duke.edu
- Madeline Perez, Duke University, madelinejperez@gmail.com
- Jim Baxter, Syracuse University, jmbaxter@syr.edu
- Dorothy Bland, Florida A&M University, dorothy.bland@famu.edu
- Ryan McCartney, former editor, The Chronicle, Duke University, ryan.mccartney@gmail.com
- Leonard Witt, Kennesaw State University, lwitt@kennesaw.edu
- Kelly Wolff, Educational Media Company at Virginia Tech, kawolff@vt.edu
- Kara Andrade, kara.andrade [at] gmail.com, Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
- Joshua Chapin, The Chronicle, Duke University, joshua.chapin@duke.edu
- Shannon Morgan, Boise State University, shannonmorganbsu@gmail.com
- Brad Arendt, Boise State University, barendt@boisestate.edu
- Megan Taylor, University of Florida, selfmadepsyche@gmail.com
- Dan Morris, Boise State University, danmorris@mindspring.com
- Randy Covington, IFRA Newsplex and University of South Carolina, covington@ifra.com
- Chrissy Beck, Ad Director, The Chronicle
- Sharon Brooks, Hastings College, sbrooks@hastings.edu
- Kathryn T. Stofer, Hastings College, kstofer@hastings.edu
- Brett Erickson, Hastings College, berickson@hastings.edu
- Allison Nichols, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Daily Tar Heel
- Chris Whitley, University of Texas at Arlington, The Shorthorn, whitley@uta.edu
- Eric Larson, StellarMedia, eric@stellarmediaonline.com
- Susan Kirkman Zake, Kent State University, susan@susankirkman.com
- Doug Thompson, Blue Ridge Muse, doug@blueridgemuse.com
- Rob Schirmann, Second Life Newsroom, Duke University, rcs6@duke.edu
- Christine Thomasos, Florida A&M, christine.thomasos@famu.edu
- The local airport is RDU.
- There is very little parking on campus for Day 1. Let us know if you need a ride or want to carpool from somewhere.
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